4 Ways In-Office Fitness Makes Summers More Enjoyable
After spending winter and most of the spring avoiding the biting cold, the arrival of summer is always met with a lot of enthusiasm, despite the sweltering heat in some parts of the country. Whether it's camping, hosting barbecues, or going on vacation, summer is always filled with activities, especially for families, as the summer marks the start of the three-month summer break.
Summer is a great time of the year, but it's short-lived. Soon enough, the days begin to get shorter, and the temperature drops. That's why it's important to get the most out of the season. One way to maximize the hours spent enjoying the summer is by working out in the office. With a standing treadmill desk or under-desk pedal, like those made by LifeSpan Fitness for Business, employees can meet their daily fitness goals and make time for other activities after work. Below are a few more ways that in-office workouts make the summer better.
More Time For Family, Hobbies, and Chores
According to the CDC, adults should get 150 minutes (2 hours and 30 minutes) of moderate exercise a week. Additionally, it's recommended adults also perform muscle-strengthening exercises twice a week, which could take up even more time. Skipping workouts is the easiest solution, but it's not advisable. The benefits offered by physical fitness can't be overlooked.
Instead of employees foregoing their physical well-being, employees can work out in the office. This allows employees to reach their fitness goals while on the clock, leaving plenty of time to spend with family or catch up on summer hobbies.
Don't Have To Deal With Scorching Temperatures
The warmth of the summer can feel like the sweetest embrace after a winter spent indoors. Yet, that embrace can quickly sour as temperatures go from warm to hot to scorching. It can get so hot in some parts of the country that being outside for just an hour can be unbearable, not to mention detrimental to the skin. It's possible to develop an unpleasant sunburn in as little as 10 minutes or as much as 50 minutes.
Runners or those that like to work out outdoors can instead get their cardio in the office on days when it's too sunny. Though employees may miss the feeling of breathing in the fresh air as they go for a run outdoors, using a treadmill in the office offers the same benefits, albeit without the harmful rays of the sun.
Lets Employees Stay in Top Form
While not everyone trains to compete in endurance events or other sports, there are still many who look forward to the summer to participate in endurance races or similar events. In 2021 it was reported that there were over 59,000 endurance events and 6.3 million registrants, which was only an estimated third of the total endurance event market in the US.
The downside is that training for events like this can take up a lot of time, eating into the limited summer days. Instead, employees who are preparing for an event can take advantage of the office's equipment to stay in top form while at work. When employees know they'll have to miss a training session later that day, they can take advantage of the office's workout equipment to stay in top form as they work. Though they may not be able to recreate the exact training conditions, such as elevation changes, it's better than letting the target time slip by.
Prepare for Vacation
Employees can go on vacation any time of the year, but there's something special about summer vacation, especially for those that have kids. Summer is the best time to enjoy beaches, water parks, cruises, and camping.
Working out in the office gives employees a chance to prepare for summer vacations. By working out before going on a vacation, employees can take it easier on themselves if they happen to skip a few workouts while on vacation. More importantly, they don't have to stress about putting on a few pounds while they enjoy themselves on vacation. Though everything is always best enjoyed in moderation, working out before a vacation gives employees a pass to splurge just a bit.
Workout in the Office With LifeSpan Fitness for Business
Physical fitness and health are two of LifeSpan's core values, and we make products that help people achieve their physical fitness goals while at work. While the idea of workplace fitness is not a new concept, the traditional use of the phrase typically involves in-office facilities such as fully-stocked fitness rooms and locker rooms. However, it's expensive to stock and maintain fitness rooms, which is why the practice hasn't caught on with small-to-medium sized businesses. But we think there's a better way. With our line of quality, affordably-priced office workout equipment, we believe our products can bring workplace fitness to every office.
With LifeSpan Fitness for Business products, you can end sedentary lifestyles linked to health issues such as obesity, high blood pressure, and heart disease. By allowing employees to use an Omni Desk Treadmill , the Unity Bike Desk, or the Aero Balance Board while they work, you're allowing them to take control of their fitness and help them begin their journey to a healthier version of themselves.
Contact LifeSpan Fitness for Business to learn more about our products if you're interested in office workout equipment.