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Silla de oficina con pelota de yoga

Silla de oficina con pelota de yoga

Estilo: Fieltro de lana color carbón - 25"

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Estilo: Fieltro de lana color carbón - 25"


Permítanos presentarle nuestra última incorporación: ¡la silla con pelota de yoga! Si busca un descanso de caminar en su cinta de correr y desea algo que ejercite su núcleo mientras está sentado, ¡esto es justo lo que necesita! Ejercita su núcleo mientras está sentado y no dañará su cinta de correr como lo hacen las sillas con ruedas.

Ya sea que use nuestra silla de oficina con pelota de yoga todo el día o vaya y venga de caminar en su escritorio con cinta de correr, es el complemento perfecto para cualquier estación de trabajo.

La pelota de yoga es un accesorio elegante, divertido y cómodo que tiene muchas funciones. La tela suave hace que sea cómodo sentarse y evita que se resbale mientras realiza ejercicios como estiramientos u otras actividades de fitness. ¡La silla con pelota de yoga no solo tonifica sus músculos, sino que también hace que fortalecer su núcleo sea cómodo y productivo!

Variación de tamaño para adaptarse mejor a su altura:

  • 25” es ideal para cualquier altura menor a 6’
  • 30” será más adecuado para una altura superior a 6'

Manténgase activo, incluso cuando esté sentado, con esta alternativa perfecta a una silla de oficina.


Promotes Healthy Lifestyle

Stimulates Movement: Keep Moving during your sit-down breaks!

Active Sitting Engages Core Muscles

Encourages Correct Sitting Position Helps Keep Mind Active

Multifunctional: Use it in your office or home-gym

Easier to Move than a stool or an office chair

Anti Slip bottom

Sturdy Fabric. Dotted Non-slip Rubber.


Lifespan Fitness’s yoga ball office chair is ideal for achieving a more productive workday. It comes with everything you need!

High Quality Wool Felt Cover

High quality wool felt cover

  • Easy to put on and take off to clean
  • Adds warmth into the room and fit into most interior design

Handle on the Lifespan Fitness Yoga Ball

LifeSpan Logo Stitching on the handle

  • Our Yoga Ball comes with an attached handle that allows for easy transportation, whether its in a different room, or up the stairs! This handle makes moving your Yoga Ball easy!

The chair is customizable, being just the right firmness or softness


  • Use the inflator to pump it to your preferred comfort level. Want it a bit softer? Simply deflate it a little.


  • Gross Weight
    7 lbs
  • Dimensions
    25" (65cm)
    30" (75cm)
  • Max. User Weight
    400 lbs.

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Best yoga ball ever!!!

Loooove the yoga ball. The cover is thick and solid and adds to sturdy comfort when sitting on it. Love love love the handle on the cover for easy movement.

Robin O.
Additional Happiness in my work day

I bought the LifeSpan TR1200 treadmill and adding this was a game changer. I can walk on my treadmill and easily switch to my ball chair. It is so comfortable I almost hate to go back to my regular chair. I don’t have to move my treadmill when I need a break. I highly recommend.

Hi Robin,

Thank you for the amazing feedback. We are happy to have you in the LifeSpan family.


Game changer

After a couple of months of switching from an ergonomic office chair to a yoga ball, I can confidently say that this is a game changer. It significantly has decreased lower back pain. Two points of advice - Try to incorporate some ab workouts (nothing crazy) so that it's a little easier to adjust to, and use a bike pump with an inflation cone to properly inflate it. Also, sit on the yoga ball moreso centered underneath your thighs rather than your sitbones. I actually tried switching back to my office chair for a weekend again out of curiosity and could feel the lower back pain return instantly.

Hi Magda,

Thank you for the amazing feedback. We are happy to have you in the LifeSpan family.


Isaac A.
A great alternative seating option for home office

I was fortunate to get this yoga ball as a free add-on with a recent purchase of a TR-1200 treadmill with adjustable desk. I use this yoga ball as an office chair, and I find it allows me to activate my core and get more mobility in my lower back where I often have pain. The materials and quality seem very good, and it was easy to set up. This is a great addition to any home office, and I'd definitely recommend adding it if you're getting a treadmill (especially if it's included in your package.)

Hi Isaac, We are so glad to hear you're enjoying your Yoga Ball! It's an easy way to add movement to your workday. Thank you for your review. Warm Regards, LifeSpan Fitness